Tuesday 11 August 2009

Earnings Update or lack of

Still Skint!! Have earned nothing as yet but I have made some good contacts and been fortunate to get review copies of ebooks intended for "newbies". I have read and reviewed one ebook and I am in the process of reading the other. (I will post the reviews here in due course)

Twitter is keeping my motivation up, because each time I get a new follower this increases my good mood factor. I have therfore set myself my first twitter goal of gettiung 100 followers, as of 11/Aug/2009 I have 29 followers. I am hoping this will lead to money making opportunities for me. Follow me here: http://twitter.com/theskintim - I always follow my followers.

I am looking for "instant commission" work and affiliate schemes because I want to immediatly reinvest the money into getting my own hosting and domains.

The ideas are flowing well - I have lots but just need some $$ to get them going.


  1. Good luck to you with the Internet Marketing!

    Have you considered offering a service to get the needed money to reinvest? You can obviously write! How about offering ghostwriting services? You could do that fairly easily utilizing the power of Twitter and the Warrior Forum. And you wouldn't have to stay a ghostwriter forever. Many marketers got their start that way.

    Peggy Baron

  2. Hi Peggy,

    This is what I have decided to do :)
    It never came into my mind until yesterday.

    Thanks for the comment and kind words.
